The Lyttelton Container Terminal will have back to back vessels with significant cargo volume from late Tuesday night (27th November) for the following 7 days. It is expected that this may put some pressure on the Terminal yard.
As yard volumes increase and space reduces this slows the terminal’s ability to retrieve import and inbound coastal containers for uplift as a straddle will often have to first move containers that are stacked on top.
What can you do?
- The terminal is allocating additional straddle resources to provide a window for trucks to uplift imports and inbound coastals in the Terminal from midday to 2300 hours tomorrow, Tuesday 27th November
- To assist with cargo flow through the terminal during high volumes, it asks trucking companies to make use of its stack run facility or as a second option, select top stow imports rather than containers stacked on the ground using the terminal map and instructions supplied with earlier notices. Methods like this help reduce queueing times while lessening the container volumes in the terminal
- The terminal encourages customers make use of its stack run service for containers already in the yard or yet to discharge the vessels to be worked
- While it has a small number of transport companies taking advantage of the off-peak period at the terminal, it would encourage customers to make use of this available capacity. Typically this period is from 1900hrs through to 0600hrs
- The terminal encourages truck drivers to make use of our KIOSK facilities when uplifting imports and inbound coastals and to deliver pre-advised non-DG dry exports and outbound coastals
- It invites customers to consider the benefits of utilising available yard space at LPC’s Midland Port in Rolleston – contact us anytime for more information on this option
Wherever possible, the Lyttleton Port Company (LPC) is committing additional resources to meet known demand and will continue to work through the volume peaks as best we can while maintaining our communications with you.
For up to date information on vessel scheduling and Cargo Acceptance Times for exports and outbound coastals, visit our website at